
Does this mean that Arafat was a fascist dictator?

Attacks Strip Away Foundation of Palestinian Rule (washingtonpost.com)

"If Arafat survives, then the Palestinian Authority can survive with him. It means that Oslo is not dead, although it seems comatose now," said Abdul Jawad Saleh, a member of the Palestinian legislature and a longtime critic of Arafat. "If Arafat is eliminated, then there will be no government, no authority, no one to talk with. He is the last brick in a wall that has been ruined."
If the elimination of one man can destroy a government, then is it really a government of the sort we want to support? Isn't focusing all leadership and authority in a single father figure a central feature of fascism?

Then again, it's really been understood for a long time that Arafat has as much love of freedom and democracy as Castro does. (That is, none.)

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