
The War of Words rolls on. Bryan Keefer refutes Ted Rall who refutes Brendan Nyhan who refuted Ted Rall.... All the links necessary to follow this chain are within this, the current, chapter.

Spinsanity - Return of Rall: Oil conspiracy redux

Ted Rall knows something you and I don't: the war in Afghanistan is all about oil, not terrorism. At least, that's what he tries to argue in his latest column, written in response to a critique of a previous piece by my co-editor Brendan Nyhan. As one of the most elaborate and prominent expositions of the war-for-oil theory, which has been repeated by some liberal pundits, Rall's conspiracy theory is worth a detailed look. Not surprisingly, his argument breaks down under scrutiny into little more than a few wisps of circumstantial evidence held together by anti-Bush vitriol and emotionally charged rhetoric.
Gads, it gets ugly in the world of editorial journalism....

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