
Peace-loving and progressive-minded Arabs

This becomes too easy when you only have to quote these ninnies. OpinionJournal Best of the Web (OpinionJournal - Best of the Web Today - May 31, 2002) had a link to this little tidbit. These are the opening and closing paragraphs:

MEMRI research cited in the media

In an article titled "The American Snake," Kamal Sa'ad, a columnist for the Egyptian opposition weekly Al-Usbu', attacked U.S. National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice, writing:

"Within a few days, Condoleezza Rice, the black woman, became the most famous woman in the world when American president George Bush appointed her his top advisor. She does not flinch from calling the Palestinian president Yasser Arafat a leader of terror. By the same token, she has shown her great hatred of the Islamic world by declaring her full support for the Zionist terror entity. She even said that the blood-shedder, the terrorist Ariel Sharon, is a man of peace and a veteran warrior."


"These are some bad examples of the women who rule America. We thank Allah that there are no similar [women] in our Arab world, otherwise our lives -- we men -- would be absolute hell and we would become prisoners to the declarations of Condoleezza Rice and the other vulgar women!"
What I love are the little things revealed here. First, support of Israel (the "Zionist terror entity") means a hatred of the Islamic world. In other words, for this author there will never be peace between Israel and her Arab neighbors because peace with Israel means hatred of the "Islamic world."

And of course the second thing to note is the absolute loathing for women of independant thought, means, or opinion. Again, their words.

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